State Street Corridor Improvements


‘Road Diet’ project helps transform bustling corridor in Fondren

Neel-Schaffer provided engineering design and construction engineering and inspection services for the State Street Corridor Improvements project, an ambitious ‘Road Diet’ project that transformed a very busy 2-mile corridor in Jackson, MS.

Funded by a 2015 TIGER Grant and the City of Jackson, this $19.5 million project is part of the City’s ‘Greening the Gateways’ initiative that is aimed at improving the rideability, safety, and aesthetics of the roadway system along North State Street, from Hartfield Street to Sheppard Road.

Design was completed in the fall of 2017. Construction began in 2018 and was completed in 2020. Neel-Schaffer coordinated with the City of Jackson, the Mississippi Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration to make sure the project stayed on track.

The project included many road diet design features, roadway reconstruction and resurfacing, improved traffic signals at four intersections and one fire station, replacements and upgrades to water and sewer lines, storm drain design and replacement, a multi-use trail and sidewalk with ADA compliance, landscaping improvements, and bioswales between the curb and multi-use trail.

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