Pass Road Intersection Improvements


Neel-Schaffer leads City through MDOT’s LPA process

Neel-Schaffer was selected to design geometric and signal improvements to intersections along Pass Road, an east-west arterial, with an average daily volume of 30,000 vehicles in the City of Biloxi.

Neel-Schaffer led the City through the LPA process for MDOT. The design phase services included the environmental process, right-of-way acquisition process, permitting, utility relocations, bidding, and contracting.

Neel-Schaffer was also contracted to provide construction administration services for the $1 million project, which includes auxiliary turn lanes on Eisenhower Drive and Pass Road, radius improvements at the intersections of Pass Road at Big Lake Road and Stennis Drive, retaining walls, and ADA compliant sidewalks. The project included converting the existing span wire signals at the intersections of Pass Road at Eisenhower Drive and Big Lake Road to mast arm signals along with the construction of a new signal at the intersection of Stennis Drive and Pass Road. The project also included the construction of an emergency signal at the City’s Fire Station, with preemption at the three intersections and a master controller to operate the signals in a coordinated timing pattern. Future phases of the project will connect all signalized intersections on Pass Road in the City of Biloxi to the master controller.

Funding for the project was made possible through the Surface Transportation Program administered by FHWA through MDOT.


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