Bay St. Louis Infrastructure Program


Bay St. Louis Infrastructure Program

Following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Neel-Schaffer assisted the City of Bay St. Louis with damage assessments for utilities and drainage infrastructure caused by the tremendous storm surge. Neel-Schaffer performed hydraulic analysis to determine water losses in the water distribution system and used closed circuit television and smoke testing for examinations of sewer mains.

Following the assessment phase, Neel-Schaffer provided program management design, bidding, construction administration, and inspection services. Neel-Schaffer also assisted the City of Bay St. Louis with the documentation necessary to assure full funding of eligible costs by FEMA.

Neel-Schaffer presented the damage assessment results to FEMA on behalf of the City in March of 2006. FEMA developed Project Worksheets describing the funding and approved reconstruction for repairs.

To accomplish design work to repair the water, sewer, natural gas, and drainage infrastructure, the project area was divided into three drainage basins. To increase the efficiency of the design phase, design teams were assigned to each basin.

The four-year construction project was divided into five phases, beginning in March of 2007.  The first phase of construction was completed in July of 2009. The final project was completed in April 2011 and the construction cost of all the projects totaled $60 million.

Project included:

  • 169,000 linear feet of water line
  • 153,000 linear feet of gravity sewer
  • 16,800 linear feet of sewer force main
  • 353,000 linear feet of gas main
  • 600 sewer manholes
  • 6,000 service lines
  • 30 miles of roadway replacement

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