Vijay Kunada, PE, PTP, PTOE

Vijay Kunada, PE, PTP, PTOE

Engineer Manager

Vijay joined Neel-Schaffer in 2006 and has more than 15 years of experience as a Transportation Engineer and Manager.

A registered PE in Louisiana and Arkansas, Vijay is a Vice President in the firm and serves as the Engineer Manager of Neel-Schaffer’s Lafayette (LA) office.

He has served as the Project Manager for many local and regional transportation plans, travel demand models, various GIS projects, safety studies, traffic signal timing plans, corridor analysis, traffic impact studies, traffic simulation models, demographic forecasting, and other traffic engineering related projects for both public and private developments.

Previously, he worked as a transportation engineer for the Lafayette (LA) City-Parish Consolidated Government, Traffic and Transportation Department, for more than four years.

Vijay has extensive experience in traffic modeling, including census data analysis, time-of-day travel demand model development using TransCAD and developing custom scenario managers using GISDK software. He also is experienced in regional truck modeling, evacuation modeling, demographic forecasting, region wide safety data analysis, external travel surveys, Highway Capacity Software, Synchro, TransModeler, DynaSmart-P, Trip Generation, traffic studies for Environmental Impact Statement projects, intersection studies and corridor analysis. His experience with traffic operational analysis includes freeway mainlines, ramp merge/diverge areas, weaving segments and intersection operations.

Vijay served as a Project Manager for several MPO transportation plan and travel demand model updates in Louisiana and Mississippi. He has developed regional truck models using Quick Response Freight Manual procedures in Louisiana for the Lafayette MPO, Baton Rouge MPO, Houma-Thibodaux MPO and Alexandria MPO; and in Mississippi for the Jackson MPO and Hattieburg MPO.