Keith Purvis, PE

Keith Purvis, PE

Mississippi Transportation Manager

Keith joined Neel-Schaffer in 2011 and is a Vice President with the firm, managing Neel-Schaffer’s Central Mississippi Transportation Department.

A registered PE in Mississippi, South Carolina, and Arkansas, Keith is based in the firm’s Jackson (MS) office, where he manages projects and a team of engineers and technicians.

Previously, he was employed with MDOT for 23 years, serving in numerous roles, including Roadway Design Division Engineer and Assistant Chief Engineer over Preconstruction.

At Neel-Schaffer, Keith is responsible for marketing current and future clients and identifying future involvement for Neel-Schaffer’s Transportation staff both inside the Central Mississippi group and for other staff in North and South Mississippi.

Keith monitors the progress of all plan development according to the contractual commitments made while also remaining knowledgeable of the allowable budget and required manpower needed for each contract. On a continual basis, Keith remains aware of the time commitment for each staff member on current work, so that he is aware of availability for future work.

Keith also works with the other offices in Mississippi and assists with the sharing of projects and resources as needed in an effort to balance work. Keith provides weekly information regarding budget and progress within the Central Mississippi Transportation group as well as to Neel-Schaffer Management. Keith is continually involved in the drafting and reviewing of new contracts and is committed to making sure that all commitments are met within schedule and budget.

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