Allen Thames

Specializes In:


Allen Thames

Senior Aviation Planner

Allen joined Neel-Schaffer in 2009 and has over 40 years of experience, specializing in airport development, facility justification, land use planning, airport master planning, grant administration, scheduling, and the layout of industrial facilities and other facilities.

Working out of the firm’s Birmingham (AL) and Nashville (TN) offices, Allen has provided planning and design management for a wide variety of land acquisition and relocation projects, environmental studies, and facility renovations. His experience includes airport master plans, FAA siting criteria, compatible land use planning, site selection, military installation layout, and operations planning.

Allen is a charter member of the Advisory Board for the Aviation and Supply Chain Management Department at Auburn University. Over the past 14 years he has participated in the strategic planning and guidance for this program, one of the premier aviation education curricula in the nation. He is the Board’s longest serving member.